With North, you can take any list that you've made and turn it into a beautiful online map to share with friends and family. It looks great on their phones but is also simple and easy to use on the web.
How to publish a list
If you want to let friends and family view a list, you'll want to publish it to make it public.
Navigate to the list you want to publish
Tap Share List
Tap the Publish this List button
Share a link to your published ist
Once the list is published, you can tap the Share Public List Link button to share the list with whomever you'd like.
How people see your published list
When you publish your list, anyone you share the link with can view your list on the web.
Because they can view your list on the web, they do not need the North app or a North account to view it.
But if they do have North, they'll also be able to follow the list in North for easy access from right within their app.
Any time your list is updated, it will be updated on the public website and for anyone who is following the list in North. Any thoughts or ratings you've added for places on the list will also be shown.
Make a list private
If you need to remove list access for any followers, you can unpublish your list, which will make it viewable only to you (and other Editors of the list, if applicable).
Navigate to the list you want to make private
Tap Share List
Tap the Unpublish button